Sunday, May 8, 2011

Teaching Sunday School

I have been teaching Sunday School in my ward for the last couple months and have learned more about the teachings and nature of Jesus Christ. It has been a privilege to teach and I will be sad to leave this ward and this calling. There are a number of lessons I've learned in regards to being a better teacher and I want to write them down here before I forget them:
  • I've learned to start the class even if there are only a few people there.
  • I've learned to ask open ended questions like "What are your thoughts on this?"
  • I've learned to be present and in the moment when people are commenting.
  • I've learned to relax in front of a crowd.
  • I've learned to let people talk and to talk less myself.
  • I've learned to always keep the purpose of the lesson in mind.
Today I taught about the parable of the unjust steward. Imagine my joy and surprise when I found out that my sister Raquel was also called to teach this week and would be teaching the same lesson! She shared the link above with me. I think one of the biggest lessons I can take away from teaching the New Testament during all of these months is that Heavenly Father doesn't just care about the things we say or the things we do even, he cares about us becoming and being. He wants us to be, not just to do. I love that. I sometimes wonder if I am becoming. I've tripped and failed many times. I do need to work harder at becoming. Teaching this class has helped me see where I fall short so I can strive to be better.


  1. Girl, I'm so happy you got this calling. I know you're a great teacher beause you're a good listener.

  2. Mijita:
    It looks like you are having fun up there in Washington. We miss you and we do not like the idea to have a member of the family so fay away.
    Looking forward to see you soon.
